Hi – I’m Patrick Campbell. 👋

I’ve done some cool things in life, and now I’m working on the next thing.

While I’m doing that though, my doctor and wife both told me I should have a hobby. I’m crap at golf, so I hired a research team and chose the beloved American pastime of doing in-depth research.

Roughly every month we publish the last guide you’ll ever need on a topic. Each guide takes 500+ hours of research, debating, and experimentation. We do the work. You get everything you need to execute on the topic – all for free.

Here are the guides (and the ones coming soon).

Since my hobby and new mission take up most of my time, I’ve stopped my last decade’s practice of doing free advisory calls (even on pricing). I’m still available for 1:1s, advising, trainings, etc. but the spots are limited, so they’re priced based on demand.

You can book time and see current prices here.

For now though, if you want each guide we publish and invites to the events we host, sign up here:


Currently Published

In today’s market a properly deployed competitive strategy is crucial for growth. Using tactics I picked up hunting targets for the NSA and honed while building a fast scaling company, we’ve put together the last guide you’ll need to run your competitive intelligence program on as little as 1-2 hours per month (or quarter).

Get the guide here ➡

To Be Published

High Output Health

We’re in the middle of distilling 1k+ research studies and 200+ podcast episodes into a framework anyone can follow to understand what actually contributes to proper health. We’re not done yet, but we can tell you cold plunges aren’t at the top of the list.

Sign up to get notified when this guide is ready ➡️

High Output Marriage and Relationships

Nothing has higher financial and emotional impact than choosing the right life partner and cultivating a great relationship with them. To help, we’re breaking down relationship research into a playbook that’ll make your relationship high output on all axes.

Sign up here to be notified when the guide’s ready ➡️

The Last Pricing Strategy Guide You’ll Ever Need

For over a decade I’ve been studying pricing and working on the pricing strategy for 400+ companies – everyone from Blue Bottle Coffee and Lyft to Autodesk and Notion. In this guide I’ll be publishing every playbook I’ve built as an homage to that part of my career.

Sign up to receive this guide when it’s ready here ➡️

Your Guide to Outsourcing

Everyone knows that delegation is the highest leverage tool for protecting your most valuable asset: time. Yet, I meet high net worth folks who still have trouble with assistants, mainly because they don’t wan to take the time to write out SOPs and directions for them to use. So I just wrote them all for you and will publish them alongside a guide on how to properly outsource the mundane and how to use assistants to make your life better.

Sign up to receive this guide when it’s ready here ➡️

We often find a bunch of useful insights and interesting takeaways during our research that don’t end up making it into the full guides. To avoid missing out on these, follow me on Twitter or connect with me on LinkedIn. I also produce videos that you can watch on YouTube.

About Me

Cool Things I’ve Done

  • Lost a hundred pounds, twice
  • Went to college on a speech/debate scholarship. Won an individual and team championship.
  • Graduated first in my class in college
  • Built and bootstrapped ProfitWell, a suite of products for subscription companies that gave them free financial metrics, price optimization, and churn reduction. Used by 50k+. Sold to Paddle for over $200M.

Things I’ve Failed At

  • Gained a hundred pounds too much, twice
  • Absolute crap competitive wrestler in high school
  • High School Musical Director cut the songs from my part, because I was so bad at singing
  • I’ve learned how to play four instruments, but never stuck with any of them
  • Quit my job at the NSA, because I hated government bureaucracy
  • Quit my job at Google, because it was becoming a golden prison
  • Quit pursuing a doctorate, because I didn’t think the advanced math would ever be useful

What I’m Working on Next

A company in the healthcare space. I’m currently doing a considerable amount of research, but it’s early days. If you know anyone that’d be worth chatting about, send me an email. I greatly appreciate the help. 🙏

Book Time with Me

If interested in any of the below, fill this out. If you’re a cash strapped startup, fill it out and let me know what you can afford. I don’t want money to be a reason you don’t get the help you need.

Current demand based prices:

  • 1:1 Hour (with prep and debrief) – $3,450
  • Keynote – $6,200
  • Live training (90 minutes with prep and debrief) – $8,750
  • Half or Full Day Workshop – $28,500

I’ve also thought about doing an office hours membership where I set aside 2-3 hours every other week and members can come ask questions. Thinking ~$2-5k per year. If that’s interesting, click here and let me know.